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Tartu Raatuse School 95th Anniversary Week
will be held on 24.11-29.11.2014.

Highlights of the Anniversary include various events throughout the week that all current and former alumni are welcome to attend.

Anniversary Week draws to a close on Saturday at 18.00 at Dorpat Conference Centre (Turu 2, Tasku) with the Reunion for all former alumni and employees.

NB: entrance for adults only.

Entrance fee:

20 euros (until 25.11.2014)

Account nr: EE662200221055679579

Recipient: Õilme Saks

Explanation: „kooli juubel“, graduation year, and maiden name(s).

From 26.11. the fee is 25 euros; it can be paid at Dorpat Conference Centre.

Events throughout the week:

Reunion with class teachers, visiting the school.

Contact Aive Hoppenstiel (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Exhibition “My school 95“ – all floors.

Handicraft exhibition and sale on the ground floor.

Wednesday 26.11.14.

Ceremony Concert “My school 95“

11.00 – grades 1-4

13.00 – grades 5-9

18.00 – former alumni, parents, friends.

19.30-21.30 – Party for grades 7-9 and former alumni. Karaoke. DJ Kaspar Joost, Timmu Markus Miikael Malmre. Cafeteria.

Thursday, 27.11.14.

Basketball free throw competition.

9.45 – grades 6-7

10.50 – grades 8-9

11.55 – grades 4-5

Contact: Ülle Varik, Margus Udeküll

School play „Kas rohi oli siis rohelisem?“ (Kadri Kosk).

12.15 – grades 1-4

13.10 – grades 5-9

Saturday, 29.11.14

The school is opened 9.00-17.00. All former alumni and employees are welcome to visit the house. There is a possibility to meet the class teachers 11.00-13.00 (contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 5135169).

10.00-15.00 – Basketball tournament.

Contact and registration Arvo Pattak, Erki Piir (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 5278069).

18.00 Reunion for all former alumni and employees at Dorpat Conference Centre (Turu 2, Tasku)

The doors will be opened at 17.30.

18.00-19.45 – Celebration concert

19.45 – It’s party time! Band Projekt

20.00 – Photographing the alumni

23.30 – Surprise!

01.00 – The End


Tartu Raatuse Kool   |  Aadress: Raatuse 88a, 51009 Tartu   |   tel: 7 461 721   |   e-post:  |   Registrikood: 75006820